dijous, 12 de març del 2015

Have you got anything that brings you GOOD LUCK?


On March 17th, we celebrate Saint Patrick's day. It's a tradition that comes from Ireland. We all wear in green. Why? Because...

  • green is one of the colours of the Irish flag, 
  • in Ireland everything is green (mountains, landscapes...), 
  • green is the colour of spring (remember, it starts on the 20th March) 
  • and green is the colour of the sharmrock
Talking about food, on Saint Patrick's day, we always eat corned beef and cabbage. It comes from the past, Originally, the traditional meat eaten on St. Patrick's in Ireland is Irish bacon (not corned beef), but Irish immigrants to the United States and could not pay Irish bacon, so they substituted it by corned beef, which is cheaper.

Here you can see a video of a big performance in Chicago:


The St. Patrick's Day leprechaun is an Irish fairy. Most fairies are delicate and pretty, but this one sure isn't! He looks like an old man and stands at around two feet tall. Dressed in head-to-toe green, he has a pair of pointy ears and carries a big stick called a shillelagh, which he uses to scare anyone who tries to steal his gold. He prefers to be alone and spends his time either making shoes or searching for gold. 
 This leprechaun is one lucky guy. How else would you explain the fact that he finds the pot of gold at the end of every rainbow? With that much gold, he can travel around the world as many times as he wants, or buy anything his heart desires - and still have lots of dough left over.
The St. Paddy's Day is  old, short and a little green - literally.  If you catch sight of him and keep your eyes locked, he can't escape from your clutches. You can even force him to reveal thesecret location of his precious pots of gold and he'll have no choice but to spill the beans! But this sneaky leprechaun has a lot of tricks up his sleeve to make you look away just long enough for him to vanish, so you'll never know the treasures.
Have you ever seen him? Let us know!

divendres, 20 de febrer del 2015

What's the present you would like to receive in Saint Valentine's?

You know that on 14th Februrary is Saint Valentine's Day. Girls and boys give lovely presents to each other: chocolates, flowers, cards...

Here you can see a lovely Lip-Dub:

Enjoy it and answer the question :)

dilluns, 12 de gener del 2015

What are your goals for this new year?

Twenty fifteen is here and there are lots of things to do and to improve! What about you? 

I would like to...