It's a tradition celebrated in United States and Canada. In USA is celebrated the fourth Thursday of November. It's originated in 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They celebrated being thankful about the excellent harvest. The colonists arrive in America and they were invited by the natives and they ate all together.
ResponEliminaI thank for this beautiful world
Marc Rodrigo
ResponEliminaThe thanksgiving day is a day to thank the things we have.
Thank you for my parents
ResponEliminathank you for food
ResponEliminaan English boat arrived to the usa and parked on a rock called Plymouth.
ResponEliminathank for food and house
ResponEliminathanks you for food
ResponEliminaI thank for the extra activities
ResponEliminaI thank my mum for making the lunch
ResponEliminawe share food on thanksgiving day
L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
ResponEliminaThey are invited by their family for eating.
ResponEliminaI would celebrate it with my family: my cousins, my parents, my brother, my aunt, my uncle, my grandmother and my grandfather.
All my family comes to my house.
it's a festivity of USA to say thank you
ResponEliminait's a celebretion of USA to say tanks to friends and family.
ResponEliminaPol Turet
Is a fest to say thank you
ResponEliminaHelena Spa
Thanksgiving is a festivity to said thanks to the food
ResponEliminaPau Olm
They eat turkey. It's a party of USA to say thank you.
ResponEliminaGil Ruiz
I know that is a festivity that you say thanks to your family and your friends
ResponEliminaAnna S
They make a party to say thank you for the food that they gave.Blau